A dentist in Silver Spring offers a variety of general and cosmetic dentistry to meet the unique dental needs of the patients. The dental implant procedure helps you get a natural-looking tooth and an improved smile fast.
Are you suffering from a missing tooth problem or want to improve your smile? For these reasons and a hundred more, you are welcome to any dentist in Silver Spring. The moment you step into the office of a dentist of this area, you will be received warmly by the friendly staff. The receptionist will greet you with a wide smile and I ensure you will feel no less than being at home.
The Silver Spring dentists practice both general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry in a warm and patient-friendly environment. General dental services include teeth whitening or bleaching solution, tooth restoration, tooth colored fillings, full or partial dentures, and such other services. Cosmetic dentistry enables you to get an improved smile and appearance by opting for dental implants, veneers, dental crowns and bridges, smile design, etc.
A dentist Silver Spring will recommend you a dental implant surgery if you have a missing tooth or teeth problem. Before finalizing the date for the surgery, the dentist will suggest you to undergo an X-ray of your mouth and probably some blood tests to have a better understanding of your current oral and body health condition. After the test results come out positive, the dentist in the Silver Spring area will fix the date for conducting the dental implant surgery.

In the dental implant procedure, the titanium made implant is fitted into the jawbone underneath the gum. Following that an abutment is placed on top of the dental implant. Finally a dental crown or prosthetic tooth is cemented onto the abutment to give the patient a natural-looking tooth. The dental crown is made after taking a replica of one of your existing teeth and sending the replica to the dental lab for creating the prosthetic tooth.
People usually suffer from a variety of teeth problems such as decay, cavities, bacterial infection, and so on. Dentists often remove such a tooth or teeth in order to prevent further growth of bacterial infection. However, there is also a need to fill up the missing space created because of teeth removal; otherwise there is a high chance of the remaining teeth getting displaced. Dental implant procedure helps you comfortably get a natural-looking teeth quickly. It is a safe procedure where advanced dental instruments and technology is used to help you regain your lost smile and self-esteem.
The dentists in Silver Spring, USA works in a warm setting with an amicable staff to help a patient relax and unwind without any tension or problem whatsoever. The dentists in Silver Spring also provide useful guidance to the patients post-dental implant surgery to take good care of their teeth and stay fit and happy.